Spring Cleaning Made Simple

Posted by All About Blinds

March 31, 2013

Before you break out the sponges, soap, buckets, mops and heavy duty cleaning equipment for a good old fashioned spring cleaning, take a few minutes to develop a plan of attack.  Here are some basic areas you should concentrate on.

Around the House

  • Remove window screens and clean windows with a combination scrubber/squeegee and window cleaning solution.  Clean the screens in a well ventilated area with some kerosene, followed by a soap and water rinse.
  • Take down draperies and fluff them in the dryer with a damp towel to remove dust.  Wipe down adjacent blinds using a damp cloth or sponge.
  • Give the house a thorough dusting, including places that never get attention, such as tops of kitchen cabinets, ceiling fans, baseboards and above doorways.
  • Rinse out garbage cans with a hose, douse them with disinfectant spray, scrub them with a brush and then rinse them one more time, leaving them upside down until they are dry.
  • Remove furniture and deep clean flooring.  Call in a professional to clean the carpets if you can afford it.

In The Kitchen

  • Clean out the refrigerator and toss all the science experiments.  Wipe down the inside of the refrigerator with an antibacterial cleaning solution.
  • To remove lime buildup from the kitchen faucet, cover it with paper towels soaked in vinegar.  Let it sit for an hour; the softened deposits should be easier to remove.
  • Clean chrome, stainless steel and glass using a 50/50 mixture of rubbing alcohol and water, mixed up a spray bottle.
  • Organize your pantry and throw out expired goods.  Check for weevils or other infestations.
  • Before you leave, turn your oven setting to self clean and get it started.

In the Bedrooms

  • Vacuum mattresses and turn them.  Most modern mattresses aren’t designed to be flipped over, but you should still rotate them end to end to even out the wear pattern.
  • Haul heavy spreads and quilts down to the laundromat or dry cleaner, and shove the rest of the bedding in the washing machine.  Change out warmer winter bedding for lighter spring fare.

In the Bathroom

  • Spray down shower and tile walls with tile cleaner and let it work for a while.  Go back and wipe it down once you’ve finished the rest of the bathroom.
  • Cover bathroom fixtures and drains with vinegar-soaked paper towels in order to soften lime buildup.  If the shower head is removable, soak it in a bowl of vinegar; if not, tape a bag of vinegar over it to soak.

Spring is the ideal time to change out bedding, clothing, towels and even décor pieces such as throw rugs and pillows.  Have fun with it!

Topics: Blinds